Facebook: Edwards Hall
Instagram: @Edwards.Hall
Google: Edward’s Hall




Google Maps

Google: Edward’s Hall Newcastle

130 University Dr, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia

(App Store and Google Play)

I suggest switching to Waze. It was Israeli but has been bought out by Google now, which implies it can and is only an improvement on GMaps. It’s faster real-time traffic updates, notifies you of highway patrols setup, accidents etc,

I’m strongly advising this because I have the power as a map editor - as such I have worked hard and got approval so now every single carpark and lane on UON is mapped ~ perfectly; including one-ways/no-turns for navigation purposes.

NB: If you go on Snapchat Maps and zoom in on campus, you’ll notice the exact spots where residences are even though the satellite image is old, their proper names, where entrances and exits are (for nav. apps only) and important pathways connecting throughout Res and also throughout UON. These exist because of me map editing it all in Waze, hours and hours.

You can thank me for the Uber picking you up at the right drop-off point.
You can thank me for the driver knowing how to exit without head-on colliding.
You can thank me for not having to walk hardly any distance to get your Uber Eats.
You can thank me for saving your parents getting lost.
You can thank me for showing you which tower someone is at during late-night Snapmaps.


You can thank me by downloading and using waze.


P.S. Fun fact: Google thinks I own and run Edward’s Hall, Burnet, Cutler, Callaghan House, Tunra House, Friends House and Student Living itself.
Don’t try and reclaim them pls, SL; at least I know how to look after… online public image.
If you do try, good luck I wish you the best. Play nice, I’m working for you. When I leave for good, I will exchange ownerships.
However, just Google Edward’s Hall and see the positive image I’m making.
Last year I searched once… one result and that was only to the UON official site. Try it now on any platform you wish.